A year ago, I started hanging out with some of my closest friends, some of the Vox&Hops Alumni & Vox&Hops' Heads on Zoom each Thursday. I called it Thirsty Thursdays. Little did I know at the time, just how important these hangs would become. The community, the family, the group of friends that has formed all across the globe is truly amazing. I am in awe of what it has become. To honor the 1 Year anniversary of Thirsty Thursdays I ask the members of the community to tell me what Thirsty Thursdays mean to them.
Make sure to check out Vox&Hops' Brewtal Awakenings Playlist which has been curated by the Metal Architect Jerry Monk himself on either Spotify or Apple Music. This playlist is packed with all the freshest, sickest & most extreme albums each week!!!
*** Thanks to our friends at Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co. for sponsoring this episode! ***
Episode Links:
Website: https://www.voxandhops.com/
Join The Vox&Hops Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/hpu9F1
Join the Thirsty Thursday Gang: https://www.facebook.com/groups/162615188480022
Vox&Hops Brewtal Awakenings Playlist:
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ca/playlist/vox-hops-brewtal-awakenings/pl.u-76oNkyyFv5GzV3N?ls
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/36wA6NRmFxnfiBRwDDtHpX?si=0bdede52aafa48d1
Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co.: https://www.heartbeathotsauce.com/
Whispers from the Void Podcast: https://linktr.ee/whispersfromthevoidpodcast
Sound Talent Media: https://soundtalentmedia.com/
Support the Vox&Hops Podcast: https://voxandhops.bigcartel.com/