Season 1

Dec. 24, 2020

#05 - Holiday Edition, Monoxide's Ultimate Christmas Story, Top 5 Songs Of The Season, Jamie unboxes toys!

Celebrate the Holiday's with The Demented Duo! On the fifth episode of the Freek Show Podcast Monoxide tells you his ultimate Christmas Story & his top 5 favorite songs of the season. Jamie Madrox unboxes some brand new Megos...
Nov. 26, 2020

#04 - Thanksgiving Special, The Top 5 Reasons Your Thanksgiving Could Go To S***!

On the Thanksgiving Special of the Freek Show Podcast, Monoxide tells you the Top 5 reasons your Thanksgiving could go to sh*t, Twiztid help you stay on top of the best gifts to purchase this holiday season, Jamie shares with...
Nov. 12, 2020

#03 - Friday The 13th Special, Marvel Vs. DC, Top 5 Friday the 13th Movies & Superstitions!

On Episode 3 Madrox and Monoxide take you into the minds of Twiztid for another episode of the Freek Show Podcast. Monoxide talks about his Top 5 Friday The 13th superstitions, Madrox tells you about his Top 5 Friday The 13th...
Oct. 29, 2020

#02 - 20 Years of Freek Show, the process of how their iconic album came to be!

Twiztid celebrate their iconic album Freek Show's 20th Birthday on Episode #2. Jamie Madrox talks about his top 5 favorite songs and other never before heard fun facts about the album, Twiztid interview longtime producer Frit...
Oct. 15, 2020

#01 - The Introduction - Jamie and Mono get into some serious s***!

Today's episode supplies you all sorts of entertainment straight from the Demented Duo themselves. Jamie Madrox and Monoxide bring you talking points, antics, games and more fun as you get to know Twiztid on a much more down ...