
Sept. 23, 2020

Ep. 33: Andy Trick & Mason Nagy

Our most anticipated episode! Bass boys edition! We welcome on Andy to talk some big news, as well as offer fans an introduction to our delightful pal Mason. Talk of Skyline chili and Renaissance fairs. All quality as always ...
Sept. 4, 2020

Episode 32: Dave Stephens

Coming back from a summer break we welcome WCAR's Dave Stephens to the podcast! We talk work and keeping busy since the band's tour sent us all home. A most delightful fella and it was wonderful catching up! Learn more about ...
July 27, 2020

Episode 31: Tanner Wayne

We've known Tanner since opening for Chiodos back in 2007. We discuss Tanner's gigging with In Flames and tenacious drive to tech and play drums. On Warped 2009 Tanner filled in with Underoath, which was a fun story to revisit, too. Always a blast to...
July 20, 2020

Episode 30: Jackie & Matt Andersen

Legends! Husband/wife booking agent/manager duo join us. We talk about New Jersey, our time flying around Alaska with Dave Shapiro, and Sound Talent Group's current workings in offering live streams of band performances. Lastly - what we can all...
July 13, 2020

Episode 29: Tyler Riley

Tyler of Gideon joins us for episode twenty-nine! We go back over some stories from our short, but very close relationship. Maybe too close, if one was to ask Gideon.Wye OakSUMACDonna Missal
July 6, 2020

Episode 28: Dustin DeRosier

The world's biggest Chase Rice fan - Dustin DeRosier. Our longtime pal, former tour manager, comes on to discuss juggalos and the trials of answering to a not so responsible, mature TDWP. Juiciest stories yet, hands down.NumenoreanImperial TriumphantShiner
June 29, 2020

Episode 27: Ryan Nelson

Dog has been managing the band for nearly four years now: while we discuss a little bit of touring logistics and finances, we mostly discuss food (specifically Dog's rankings of fast food).Primitive ManFlock of DimesWye OakHumSuperheavenCoriky
June 22, 2020

Episode 26: Adam Skatula

Tune in to catch up with our A&R at Solid State Records, Adam Skatula! A lovely fella and a wonderful, energetic conversation. Great momentum as we discuss releasing music within the pandemic, label input to a band's work, and the inevitable changes...
June 15, 2020

Episode 25: Sacha Dunable

Sacha has been building guitars for Kyle since he joined the band and has completely blown up in the boutique world. We get to know Sacha a little better and recount what he's been up to and what the future of Dunable Guitars looks like.Imperial...
June 8, 2020

Episode 24: Bobby Markos

Bobby has been a splendid friend of Kyle and Mike's for a long while. He plays bass in the fantastic three piece called Cloakroom and is now releasing music under his video production entity called Documa (he was also a part of the fantastic post...
June 4, 2020

Episode 23: Ryan Ratajski

We love gear. We love Fuzzrocious Pedals. We've got to be good buddies with Ryan, who's family created the company: it was awesome catching up, talking about effects pedals, NAMM, and the camaraderie involved in the pedal industry. Any gear junkie will...
June 1, 2020

Episode 22: Jonathan Gering

In the words of Jon - "I'm back." Our keyboard player/producer/songwriter joined us for the entirety of the episode to knock out our extensive backup of questions in the Prada Pod email: we also discuss what music releases are going to look like come...
May 28, 2020

Episode 21: Sammi Chichester

We got to catch up with our friend Sammi, managing editor at Revolver, to discuss media as well as how things are looking out in New York (really interesting conversation regarding artists experiencing identity crises with the present pandemic, too)....
May 25, 2020

Episode Twenty: Drew DiJorio & Tom Williams

After touring Europe at the end of 2019 Stray From the Path became a best friend band of TDWP. It was a real joy to catch up with two of the fellas and hear what's been going on. Can't wait to play shows together again sooner than later!Jaye JayleYoung...
May 21, 2020

Episode Nineteen: Xavier Alexander

Since TDWP's collaborative coffee with Metric Coffee a few years ago, we've remained close with co-owner Xavier Alexander. For this episode we wanted to talk a little bit about Xavier's start in coffee, his love of travel/sourcing, and how things are...
May 18, 2020

Episode Eighteen: Micah & Luke Sedmak

Once we finished recording, Luke said, “It takes two of us to get anything done.” The Sedmak brothers have a long history with the guys: a set of friends around since day one (when their band headlined TDWP’s first show). We talked about inspiration for...
May 14, 2020

Episode Seventeen: Anthony Barlich

Anthony has been the band's primary photographer for nearly seven years now and one of our dearest friends. Him and his family were in New Zealand when the pandemic really broke out: Anthony explains getting back to Chicago. Thereafter we discuss our...
May 11, 2020

Episode Sixteen: Sonny DiPerri

What we're calling our most insightful episode - Sonny (mixer/engineer/producer) joins the guys to share some laughs and revisit April of last year when The Act was recorded. We mention inspiration and the methods utilized to make the album. First the...
May 6, 2020

Episode Fifteen: Stephanie "Cozi" Cosenza

Now that the fellas have an email address, answering fan questions is easier than ever! Feel free to submit inquiries and PayPal tips (no longer Venmo). Meanwhile Cozi discusses shooting shows and how she's been keeping busy. Plus... more honkeytonk...
April 27, 2020

Episode Thirteen: Billy Hamilton & Paul Marc Rousseau

Silverstein brought TDWP out in 2006 and the good times have only stacked up further in the fourteen years since. Billy and Paul Marc are wonderful friends: refined gentlemen of the utmost standard. The Steins discuss pandemic-related touring mishaps...
April 22, 2020

Episode Twelve: Paul Fisher

The boys go to the bar with PF for episode twelve and dig into the oldest stories yet. Jerms' driving tendencies, Mike's wardrobe, and a bit of when Paul would fill in on vocals. Way back when.
April 20, 2020

Episode Eleven: Caleb Shomo

The gents answer some questions and announce "Live From London" prior to having Caleb Shomo on the Prada Pod. Deep dive into guitars and gear, as well as some talk of trying to find inspiration during the quarantine. Venmo tips are greatly appreciated!
April 17, 2020

Episode Ten: John Hill

Before having John on, the fellas discuss having former members on the podcast, the DCA HMW, hot sauce, and unfortunately more talk of eggs. Episode ten's guest is John Hill, who has written about the band for publications such as Noisey and Revolver....
April 15, 2020

Episode Nine: Eric Fain

It must be mentioned that this our most explicit episode yet - Eric is one of the funniest people we know and includes a rich history of debauchery with the boys. He loves eggs. His huge dog is called Jeffrey Dogmer. Plenty of gut laughs whenever Ricky...