Aug. 22, 2022
Ep. 85 David Ellefson (The Lucid, The Kings of Thrash, fmr. Megadeth)

Ep. 85 David Ellefson (The Lucid, Kings of Thrash, fmr. Megadeth)
Making Waves Episode 86 features former Megadeth co-founder David Ellefson discussing his latest project The Kings of Thrash, which alongside former Deth’ guitarists Jeff Young and Chris Poland will revisit the seminal thrash albums Killing Is My Business and So Far, So Good, So What giving fans a chance to hear them in their entirety. Must be all the Ellefson Coffee Company products he’s consuming because Dave can’t slow down as his record label, vast musical ventures and books/films are all ongoing. Also, we’ve pretty much convinced him to go country.
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