Sept. 1, 2023
163 - Narco Satanists | The Mexican Godfather and His Ritual Sacrifice

Our best friend Janelle graces us all this episode. Travel, the great outdoors is strange if you're from the east coast, cults, high fashion, Hollywood elites.
STORIES START @ : 38:12:12
00:00 - Intro
00:13:08 - Intro Janelle
02:15:04 - What Kind of Bros Are You Into?
04:11:05 - Janelle Teaches the Boys About Females
05:54:17 - The Boys, Janelle and the Great Outdoors
19:51:00 - Travel Adventures
38:12:12 - SEAN : The Narco Satanist Cult
01:07:13:16 - Dice Roll Intro - Deejay v. Charles
01:07:13:16 - Dice Roll
01:07:45:13 - CHARLES : Aztec Sacrifices
01:25:59:08 - DEEJAY : “Elite” Witches
01:42:28:27 - Marina Abramovic
01:47:38:11 - Closing
01:48:46:01 - End
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